Socialistas, PSOE, Banda criminal,
Socialistas, PSOE, Banda criminal,

PSOE: 320 charges/former leaders investigated for corruption, 76 convicted. Former defendants mostly Andalusian (ERE cases, training, Mercasevilla, Invercaria).
Former mayor of Montalván with 16 alleged crimes of prevarication in the granting of licenses on non-developable land, according to a PP report.

Crimes from the «ERE case» begin to prescribe despite the fact that the Board and Prosecutor’s Office alerted Alaya 13 times. The Seville Court annuls the charges against two businessmen for the «inaction» of the magistrate and may reach ten more

Pedro Sánchez, the president of the Government, committed plagiarism in his thesis

The complicated «exile» of Judge Alaya from the ‘ERE Case’
In the four years away from the macro-cause that she began in 2011, the judge has resorted to speeches, interviews and presentations to denounce her situation, which she attributed to a pact between the PP and the PSOE.

The 15 big lies of Pedro Sánchez
The socialist gave Germany as an example for forcing the resignation of the thesis plagiarists, but when he was caught with an infamous short hit, he screwed himself to the chair at La Moncloa

Delcy Rodríguez’s 40 suitcases did not fly the next day either on the Falcon or to Doha

The Government recognizes that there was never a committee of experts to advise on de-escalation

The PSOE speaks of Bildu as «just another group» and negotiates the amendment on evictions. The socialists see the negotiation with Bildu as normal, since it is another group in Congress, while they try to agree with their partner Unidas Podemos how to pick up the amendment on evictions that They presented with the Basque and Catalan independentists of ERC.

The TS confirms the conviction for ‘Pretoria’ of the former mayor of Santa Coloma de Gramanet and reduces that of a former PSC deputy

Sánchez’s plagiarized book about his thesis remains uncorrected 2 and a half years after the scandal

Bono appointed a PSOE official as advisor to the president of the Dominican Republic
Bono establishes 4 ‘offshores’ in the Dominican Republic after its president grants him nationality

The Government pardons the independence leaders 1,328 days after their entry into prison

The Constitutional Court prepares a ruling against the closure of Congress during the first state of alarm

The reasons for the fall of Ábalos (I): Sánchez fired the minister for his «dark double life»

The reasons for the fall of Ábalos (II). Carmen Calvo raised the alarm: «We cannot abolish prostitution and keep it as number three»
The former vice president of the Government warned Sánchez that the figure of Ábalos was «incompatible with the values of the PSOE»

The reasons for the fall of Ábalos (III). The minister confronted Sánchez on the day of his dismissal: «Everything they have told you is a lie»
This was the tense farewell conversation between the Minister of Transport and the President of the Government on the morning of July 10

The reasons for the fall of Ábalos (IV): the PSOE warned of the minister’s excessive expenses
«Ábalos spent almost 9,000 euros in a single month» in g

astos, which set off all the party’s alarms

The scandal of the abuse of minors supervised by Mónica Oltra: 175 cases, one litigation and zero perpetrators

Calviño’s husband’s company charges SMEs to access the EU funds distributed by his wife
In a serious country, this is called corruption. Calviño confirms the fears of the CEOE: it may change the labor reform in subsequent regulations.

Pedro Sánchez bows to Morocco and hands over the Sahara 46 years later

Who is who in the Balearic minor plot

Seven years of plots, investigations and convictions
PSOE Archipelago: all the cases of corruption that corner Pedro Sánchez
A trail of corrupt plots – some proven; others in the process of investigation – affects the entire country and touches all levels of the State Administration: municipal, regional and national
The cases involve multiple socialist politicians and have come to light over the past seven years; those that coincide with Pedro Sánchez’s stage at the head of the PSOE

ERE Sentence: these are all the convicts on whom the Supreme Court has ruled

From Judge Alaya to the Supreme Court ruling: thirteen-year chronology of the ERE case
At the beginning of 2009, a recording of two Mercasevilla executives for a subsidy from the Government of Andalusia gave rise to a judicial procedure that has dragged on until the final decision.
The Supreme Court confirms the main penalties for the ERE and Griñán will go to jail

Sánchez pays the pardon for Griñán and Chaves: «There was no personal enrichment»

Calviño’s husband’s company shoots up its value after raising funds from the Economy
Beedigital was close to bankruptcy before receiving aid from the digital kit, guarantees from the ICO and public contracts granted by the Ministry of Economy.

Tributes to ETA members soar: 340 in seven months. The Covite Radicalization Observatory has recorded 48 more acts of support so far this year than in all of 2021

Plugs, embezzlement, prostitutes and cocaineThe ordeal of the Andalusian PSOE after the ERE: 500 accused and a fraud of up to 1,200 million
The Andalusian PSOE, two years after leaving the Board: 600 accused and 4.2 billion under scrutiny
Almost 40 socialists investigated for melting 44 million Andalusians in Faffe could get away with it
The photo that haunts Montero, new number 2 of the PSOE: 22 years in prison and 59 years of disqualification

Isofoton macrocause
The judge closes the Isofoton investigation with 39 accused for the aid of 80 million
The judge applies to the 39 defendants the criteria of the Court that has archived the process against several as the investigation deadlines set in article 324 of the Criminal Procedure Law have been violated.
The Court confirmed that the Instruction deadlines had been exceeded

All of Sánchez’s trips on the Falcon revealed: a flight every two days, even on vacationás-los-viajes-de-Sanchez-en-el-Falcon-al-despósito-un-vuelo-cada-dos-dias- even-on-holidays.html

More than 60 socialists escape from returning more than 100 million by prescribing the alleged crimes
The irregular subsidies of 80 million euros that affect Montero, Planas, Ribera and EspadasArchived the case that affects Montero, Planas, Ribera and Espadas due to a «formal error»The PSOE ‘steals’ 180 million from the Andalusians in a week : 100 in Budgets and 80 in Isofoton


First ruling of the Supreme Court in Invercaria: confirms a sentence of three and a half years in prison for Pérez-Sauquillo
The High Court dismisses the appeal of the former president of the public venture capital company in the case that prosecuted the loan of one hundred thousand euros to Aceitunas Tatis

The other times that Sánchez denied his pacts with the independentists

Nadia Calviño’s husband, Ignacio Manrique de Lara Fernández, is hired with a salary of €100,000 in National Heritage by Ana de la Cueva, a friend of Nadia Calviño
Calviño, her friend De la Cueva and her husband’s coincidences

Congress gives the green light to repeal sedition, reduce embezzlement and reform the law of the Judiciary and the TC with 184 votes in favor

Justice reopens the case against Salvador Illa for buying ‘fake’ masks during the pandemic

What the hell did Morocco get from Pedro Sánchez’s cell phone?

Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez, director of a chair at the Complutense without having a degree… and without protests against

The law of only ‘yes means yes’. Story of a failure

The ‘Tito Berni’ plot: who is who in the Mediator case

Sánchez seals the expulsion of the Navarra Civil Traffic GuardChivite confirms the transfer to EH Bildu and undertakes to execute the transfer to the Foral Police on July 1

The director of the Civil Guard resigns after her husband is accused in a corruption case and Marlaska says it is an «unfair but necessary» resignation

Sánchez brings all the ETA members closer in five years and Otegi already outlines the «future»: «A horizon without prisoners»

The former director of the Civil Guard would have bought an apartment in cash in Malaga after her husband paid 3.1 million enter-her-husband -31-million /

The ‘prizes’ for squatters brought by Sánchez’s new Housing LawThe Government corners the owner even more and places more obstacles on the eviction of squatters with the new Housing Law.

‘The Berlusconi of Morella’: all the businesses of Francis, Ximo Puig’s brother

Why does Sánchez lie to us so much? The 11 most bloody ‘changes in political position’ of the president After Alsina’s question the other day about Pedro Sánchez’s lies, it is worth remembering now the 11 ‘changes in political position’ that have especially stung society

Alsina to Sánchez: «Why has he lied to us so much? I have a long list…»
The Government by decree of Pedro Sánchez: breaks a record with 140 after promising to limit its use

Sánchez’s 7 big lies in the debate: from employment data to his agreements with Bildu
The President of the Government has been untruthful in several moments of the face to face with Feijóo

The Sánchez Government spends €400,000 on private security for its Royal Residence of La Mareta

Marlaska admits the “political dismissal” of Pérez de los Cobos and restores him as head of the Madrid Civil Guard
Executes the ruling of the Supreme Court in which the decision to remove him from his position was censured

Conde Pumpido’s TC becomes Sánchez’s main asset against constitutional stability


Moncloa gives up the anti-money laundering agency so that Nadia Calviño presides over the EIB

Six years in prison for the former director of Faffe who paid for his parties in brothels with money from the Board
The person who was the economic and financial director of the entity who said «My God, what was so much money spent on?» has also been condemned.

«The photo of Sánchez with Bildu is the consummation of the betrayal of the victims»

PSOE and Junts agree that a diplomat from El Salvador mediate their negotiations in Switzerland about “the conflict”

The PSOE hands over the Mayor’s Office of Pamplona to Bildu after investing Pedro Sánchez

Juan Manuel Serrano, Sánchez’s friend who leaves Correos with a hole of 1,000 million

The 100 lies and outrages of Pedro Sánchez and his government in 2023
There was no significant debate in which the Moncloa tenant and his ministers did not fail to tell the truth. This is the grim record of social communism the year it opened the door to democratic regression

A third of the 33 Falcon flights to the Dominican Republic were made without an official reason

Sánchez, forced to reveal the companions and expenses of his 88 days of vacation in palaces

Koldo received money from the PSOE and the Government while enjoying a disability allowance. José Luis Ábalos’s right-hand man combined his first salary as an escort and driver for the PSOE and his subsequent salary as his advisor in the Ministry of Transport with a pension for total permanent disability.

Prosecutors contradict Pedro Sánchez: Yes, there was terrorism in the coup in Catalonia on October 1

Why Marlaska ended OCON-Sur, the unit that achieved the largest trial in Spain against drug trafficking

After the murder of Civil Guards in Barbate by drug traffickers, Pedro Sánchez is not going to see them.
Pedro Sánchez or how not to go to Barbate: from Vigo to Torrevieja passing through the Goya or a fashion show.

Anti-corruption discovers that Koldo deposited 1.5 million that «does not correspond to his official activity.»
The plot hid part of the alleged commissions for the sale of masks in Brazil and Luxembourg.
The prosecutor indicates that Koldo bought an apartment in Benidorm for €115,000 without a mortgage

The nine shameful contracts of the ‘Masks case’ put Ábalos, Armengol, Marlaska and Torres in the spotlight. towers-2458565/

Justice demands that the Government reveal how Illa distributed its 2.5 billion megacontract.
The Ministry of Health still does not detail four years later who were the beneficiaries of its largest contract.

Mediator Case

Sánchez includes the Pujols in the amnesty: he extends the deadline to welcome the three children hunted at the coup meetings. children-hunted-in-the-meetings-of-1-o-7105450/

Guide to avoid getting lost in the Koldo Case: what is being investigated, those involved and what consequences it may have. may-tener_2024030865ea9bffab79d8000187d4e1.html

A year ago, Maduro snuck another 79 suitcases into Barajas through

from a Plus Ultra plane.

The Tax Agency, forced to investigate Montero for the leak of the data of Ayuso’s partner. helping-couple-7107616/

The Foundation that set up the Africa Center for Begoña Gómez hides who sponsored it.

Begoña Gómez cornered: Air Europa, rescued by Sánchez, paid her 40,000
El Confidencial exclusively publishes a new installment of the relationship between the president’s wife and the Hidalgo family company. Moncloa continues without giving explanations.

Illa bought tests for 38 million from a company to which Health leaked the model that was needed.
Someone close to the former minister leaked that tests from the Chinese manufacturer «Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech» were needed.

Begoña Gómez, Pedro Sánchez’s wife, signed a letter in 2020 for two companies to win a 7 million euro government contract

The consultants recommended by Begoña Gómez have received 15.6 million from six ministries since she signed the letter of support desde-que-ella-firmo-la-carta- support

Africa Center
Begoña Gómez closed private deals with the Government of Ghana after negotiating them as «the president’s wife»

Begoña Gómez, Pedro Sánchez’s wife, signed another letter of recommendation in favor of the creator of her master’s degree in another public contest ella en- another-public-contest-7113254 /

The fiscal pressure, at its highest: Pedro Sánchez has made 69 tax increases since he came to power
It is estimated that since 2018 each taxpayer has paid about 1,500 euros more in taxes desde-que-llego-al-poder- 2-2657454252–20240403030826.html

A senior Bolaños official is investigated for the manipulation of an audio in a trial
The head of the Court of Instruction 7 of Madrid upholds the appeal for reform filed by the minor’s father

Begoña Gómez’s partner won another government contract with scores that quadrupled those of his rivals
Innova Next has received numerous public contracts from the Executive of Pedro Sánchez

The Ministry of the Interior detected a visit by Ábalos to Gibraltar after being dismissed by Sánchez. It notified the arrival of the former socialist leader to the colony by road and without escort eight weeks after leaving his posts

Moncloa resorts to an «a la carte report» from the State Attorney’s Office to try to save the signing of Broncano by RTVE for €14 million per year. The corporation holds a new Board of Directors this Wednesday to try to close the controversial contract of the La Resistencia presenter. save-the-signing-of-broncano-by-rtve-7115406/

Calviño gave 10.2 million to the UTE endorsed by Begoña Gómez although it failed to comply with a contract requirement

PSOE of Jaén. The investigation of the ‘Koldo case’ reaches the former mayor and the president of the Jaén Provincial Council
The UCO relates Juan Espadas’ campaign in Andalusia to the ‘Koldo case’

Pedro Sánchez sends. Mention of Otegi was omitted from the final report on the Doval murder delivered last December.
Two ETA members pointed him out as “responsible” for the command in France that gave the “information” to kill the U politician

CD in 1980.

Marlaska hired Begoña Gómez’s contact even though the Civil Guard detected that he was selling merchandise with «critical defects.»
El Debate reveals a police report where irregularities were reported in the products of businessman Carlos Barrabés

The Government paid for Begoña Gómez and his ‘guru’ at Ifema with 200,000 public euros.
The public company Enisa sponsored an event by Carlos Barrabés in which Pedro Sánchez’s wife participated in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Salvador Illa paid an extra cost of 287 million for supplying masks by hand.
Units purchased through emergency contracts had a surcharge of up to 1.42 euros per unit

Public companies negotiated sponsorship contracts with Barrabés and Begoña Gómez in the guru’s offices.
Enisa, which depends on the Ministry of Industry, negotiated sponsorships with Carlos Barrabés in meetings in his offices in which Pedro Sánchez’s wife was present.

The unpublished images of Ábalos and ‘Delcygate’, the night in Barajas that Koldo «cannot talk about even if he is dead.»
EL MUNDO reveals photographs of the moment prior to the meeting in January 2020 with the vice president of Venezuela – vetoed by the EU -, in which police and civil guards are seen at the foot of the court next to the former minister and his then advisor.

Industry hired Barrabés to promote Begoña Gómez: “Orden de Moncloa.”
Former Minister Maroto’s chief of staff acted as «Begoña’s brokerage» to introduce him to business circles.

The PSOE plot doubled the price of the masks after expelling the intermediary who limited their commission. They opted for an uncertified product despite having approved and certified suppliers, and they doubled the price to skyrocket the commission. they-limited-their-commission-7117254/

Sánchez’s Government gave public money to a project against depopulation directed by his wife

The list of irregularities of the Armengol Government with the purchase of masks in the state of alarm.
The improvisations and lack of control in the purchase of medical supplies meant a loss of at least 4.5 million. The emergency hiring of intermediaries without experience in the health sector triggered the extra costs.

The Prosecutor’s Office closes ranks with Dolores Delgado: she maintains her position despite the Government annulling her promotion. Fiscal sources find it surprising that she remains as prosecutor of the Democratic Memory Chamber after the Executive has carried out the Supreme Court’s ruling. On the 30th, the next resources are addressed.

The Treasury is obliged to investigate Sánchez’s brother for living in Portugal with his income focused on Spain. The self-styled David Azagra has sought a mechanism to save, for the moment, 76,000 euros in taxes regulated by his brother Pedro Sánchez. in-spain-7119772/

The Sánchez Government awarded contracts for €138,000 to a consulting firm with his wife, Begoña Gómez, as a shareholder.
The revelation of El Debate opens a new avenue of investigation into the activities of Sánchez’s wife, since it directly affects her economic income.

The National Court reopens the ‘Pegasus case’ after receiving information from France about the program used to spy on Pedro Sánchez.
Judge Calama requests a new report to «compare the technical elements» obtained in both countries.

A court of Ma

drid opens proceedings against Pedro Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, for influence peddling. The procedure is in the hands of Judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who plans to order the appearance of several witnesses to delimit the business of the wife of the President of the Government.

Pedro Sánchez’s wife, director of the Chair, and her brother, a high-ranking official: the progression of Sánchez’s relatives. The impressive progress of Pedro Sánchez’s wife and brother since he arrived at the General Secretariat of the PSOE and, especially, the Government. Sánchez’s brother declares a 425-meter chalet with five bathrooms in Portugal as an «apartment.» The Hidalgos spent a million on their Africa Center company when Begoña Gómez presided over it.

The four cases that corner Begoña Gómez for which the judge can call her to testify.

During the pandemic, Illa paid 36 million to the company of a senior official of Sánchez and his basketball club.
The Escribano Mechanical firm obtained a contract for 5,000 respirators in the midst of confinement.

The ICO endorses the consultant who splashes Sánchez’s wife with another 225,000 euros for the war in Ukraine Innova Next, the consulting firm whose relationship with Begoña Gómez has ended in Justice, has been able to benefit since the end of 2023 from Government guarantees for the war conflict.
The Valley, recommended by the president’s wife in a joint venture with Barrabés, occupies the former headquarters of Plus Ultra and Venezuelan businessmen.

Barrabés, Begoña Gómez’s ‘guru’ who became even richer in the pandemic.
Calviño injected 4 million ICO credits into Begoña Gómez’s guru while boosting his profits.

The OMT managed to get the Government to give it the headquarters for free after sponsoring the career of Begoña Gómez. Pedro Sánchez gave the headquarters free of charge for 75 years and after paying for a reform of 24.4 million when the OMT began to promote Gómez’s career with Globalia. Moncloa, 13 Ministries and 11 public companies have promoted Begoña Gómez’s career and business. The Government paid for Begoña Gómez and his ‘guru’ at Ifema with 200,000 public euros.

Five years of enrichment for the Sánchez family: from Begoña to his brother, to the manager of his parents’ company.
The president’s wife has skyrocketed her activity and resume since the arrival of her husband to Moncloa. Her brother and her parents also benefited. de ella-de ella passing- by-the-manager-of-his-parents-company-7123401 /

Sánchez also worked for the consulting firm to which the Government awards surveys, with Begoña Gómez being a shareholder.
The consulting firm Inmark, to which the Government hires surveys, saves a place for Begoña Gómez: «he is on leave.»

The Sánchez Government has subsidized 4 million to the company that organized Tsunami Initiatives Events, the organizing entity of the independence events of the last decade, fattening its accounts with numerous public contracts and awards since 2020

The SEPI lands and the CEO’s plans: the reasons for the signing of Begoña Gómez to IE.
The coveted SEPI land in Madrid, valued at 160 million, and the initiative of the young CEO were some of the reasons for the controversial incorporation of Sánchez’s wife

This is the title of Begoña Gómez’s marketing academy that demonstrates her ‘fake’ degree.
OKDIARIO has exclusive access to the degree awarded by the M&B Higher School of Marketing and Business.
Begoña Gómez’s classmates admit that it was not a degree and that they could not validate her studies

Who prohibits the tax inspection of the brother of President Pedro Sánchez?


ERE case. Two more former socialist mayors on the bench for a crime of embezzlement of €750,000 in aid.
This is a piece that separates the ERE from the more than 100 that the courts of Seville accumulate.

Yolanda Díaz, sued before the TSJM for hiding her expenses and expenses on trips charged to the treasury.
The protection of El Debate dismantles Sánchez’s hoax about the «mud machine» and demonstrates that real occultism is installed in his Government.

The document that debunks Ábalos’ lies: the airport guard identified Delcy’s suitcases before a notary.
The guard was later fired from his position by AENA, dependent on the Ábalos Ministry at the time. delcy-suitcases-7124181

The great trompe l’oeil behind the Government’s employment data.
One of the elements that can most distort confidence in a series of data is introducing an element that makes them, historically, incomparable.

Sumar is studying a reform of the CGPJ with a simple majority but only for one mandate. (Note: In such a way that when the Government changes, we return to the system that helps the PSOE).
Díaz wants to reduce the majority, but without eliminating the three-fifths majority, which would remain a priority option for the future.

The Government sneaks into the BOE a shortcut to plug like-minded people into the administration.
It will no longer be necessary to belong to any high official body to occupy a management position.

This post is taken from a link that I found on Twitter/X, although I don’t remember the blog, if the author reads it, he can send me an email and I will be happy to put a mention and a link to his blog. Thank you

por alfy